shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
The mutism they don't get, but they passive aggressively tolerate it nowadays
What activities have you spent a lot of energy on, and you are very bad at?
Nearly all of the autism-related issues have cost me wasted energy.
For example, I'm still very bad at
- eye contact
- reading and using body language effectively
- inference
- understanding and expressing emotion in person (vs. in writing)
- executive function (starting or finishing anything)
- being sociable and maintaining conversations
- self-advocacy
- reading other people's intentions or their gestures
- being succinct in written form
- expanding on anything beyond hello in verbal form
- switching between activities or thought processes
- being flexible
- initiating contact with people
- maintaining friendships in real life
In a non-autism general sense (if such a thing exists in my life), I've spent a lot of time trying to get over the past.
It doesn't work.
same q
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.