oh my,,Well cars are almost as handy as a tool ...And as my late father would say:" If you cannot maintain it , no business owning one" When I was a teenager,All the family relatives had cars.
So with what brains , I had then ..? started tp preseverate on leaning stuff that made cars go.
But honestly , if I could have gone back in time a bicycle was overall a good bit healthier to me,.
Had figured out later in life . Thats why am still trying to get back to it .. .And no car , no maitrnence costs, Feeding the thing gasoline,and periodically oil. Might have saved a bit of money.
Aswell. Bicycle maintenence costs , 1/1000 cost of car maintenence.
But cannot deny a car did help at the time back in those days .But shorter range stuff still prefer a bicycle.
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are