Magna wrote:
I have never, and I assume, will never know anything close to silence. I've had tinnitus in both ears/head all of my life. It's multi-tonal rather than being a single tone. A large part of it is around the 1750 Hz range but it's mixed with lower and also much higher frequency. Even so, I have very sensitive hearing. I can hear external tones just above 13,000 Hz. Anything above that becomes inaudible.
When was the last time you had an insect bite you and what kind of insect was it?
You know I have the same type of tinnitus with multitones and throughout my whole head
, but mine didn't start until ten years ago so I pity you having it your whole life. I forget what my frequency range is. I have the papers. Maybe I'll scan and PM to you to compare. I also have hyperacusis but I find soft sounds more irritating and unbearable than loud ones.
Insect bite: I was bitten by a wasp about a month ago. I'm allergic to them but didn't have a serious reaction.
same q
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.