Adventure, as in ... leaving my house?
Actually I'd love to go to NYC: Times Square, Central Park, Broadway, Lincoln Center, MET, MOMA, etc.
Also a historical journey to all of my ancestors' villages, to see their cathedrals and cemeteries.
I'm so much fun!
shortman: My parents made me go to my graduation formals when I had no friends and was terrified.
They also made me stay at inns / motels despite my phobia of them. I also hated staying at my uncle's cottage.
I wanted to stay up late enough to watch The Sound of Music and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, but I was never allowed.
I wanted to have a dog but I wasn't allowed because my dad was afraid of dogs.
I wanted to keep living in our first house that my father built, be we had to move.
I was so scared and upset to give the house away. I didn't understand that we could keep our things.
same q
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.