1. On the first day of school ever, my teacher picked me up from the floor by my ponytail and spanked me mid-air because I played with a train set that was supposedly "for boys only". All the girls laughed at me because they were nervous and scared, I suppose. I learned to fear females. I was five.
2. My father spanked me for tearing his leather captain's seat on our boat, which I didn't even do. It broke my heart that he was disappointed in me, especially when I was innocent. I was about seven.
3. I was caught cursing at school and the teacher made me hold her hand during our next field trip to an indoor facility, for the whole day. I was 10. I was mortified. The other girls laughed at me and whispered that I was a baby.
4. My mother caught me making a list of sex words from the dictionary (honestly, it was for informative purposes so I'd fit in with the other girls). My mother made me write each word in perfect cursive 100 times and said if I wasn't done by that evening she was going to take my sex word list to my school, to humiliate me by showing the other girls. I wrote something like 5000 words (50 x 100) immediately to avoid this. I never forgave my mother for shaming me. I was 11.
(I think I made the list to save face after Incident #3 -- to be cool). Major backfire!
5. My best friend dared me to wear a spandex dress to school when I was 13. The teacher said it was arousing him (I forget how he worded it, but that's essentially what he said), and he sent me home unceremoniously with a lecture in front of the class about the shape of my ____ (chest). Enough said.
6. My employer made sexist (sexual) remarks about me to a group of male colleagues, and he laughed at my expense. One of my male friends attested to this in writing so I could sue his sorry a$$, but I didn't because I was too afraid. I was humiliated instead. I was in my late 20s.
7. My mother still likes to tell my neighbours that I'm incompetent although I own a home and have been independent for 30+ years and have more education than she can spell.
8. Oh, my grandmother used to whack me if I couldn't walk with books on my head. She was a model. I was about six. I hated her for it.
9. ?
10. ?
I think that's enough.
same q
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.