Joined: 4 Feb 2014 Gender: Male Posts: 87,510 Location: Queens, NYC
03 Oct 2016, 5:55 pm
I'm serious. You have a certain charm about you. And you're earnest and honest at all times, Ms. AP. This is not hyperbole. This is what I feel right now.
Everyone here is a better person then me... Actually everyone is better then me so that is not much of a compliment.
Let me try this again,
Kuraudo777 is very friendly and patient to put up with me Lillikoi is adorable kraftiekortie is wise Raleigh is deaf and d... lol j/k Raleigh is a very good friend DataB4 is very intelligent cathylynn is very supportive ImAnAspie is awesome
Thats all I can think of right now but don't feel bad if not on list, there is probably more.
In this meshugana (crazy) world it is good to have people like you & you & you & you & you & you & you & you & you & you & you & you & you & you & you & you.