Post something that made you UNHAPPY today.

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05 Apr 2012, 8:22 pm

Albirea wrote:
Trigas wrote:
I feel off today. :?
Same here. I've been feeling off the whole week. Hopefully the weekend will bring some relief for both of us.

indeed :)

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05 Apr 2012, 9:02 pm

i feel I'm a burden on my family don't know why, but i considered today all the things and man i realised that my family do so much for me with little to nothing in return, also i went out tonight, which since i no longer drink is sooo awkward! i woke up at 6pm its 3am now but i feel shattered totally, i often found myself drifting into space, never even had the balls to talk to the one girl who i thought was stunning, then a man who mustve weighed 400 points when over chatting her up, (this girl was smoking hot, weightless in comparison) my confidence was totally shot, so now i return home with pretty much nothing lol.


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05 Apr 2012, 9:18 pm

I don't like thinking about finances (because my mum is obsessed with it), but when I lose things I'd already had, I realise I need money desperately to undo the damage. :cry:

I'm feeling terrible.

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05 Apr 2012, 11:12 pm

I've spent more money than I was planning to, today. I needed some food and topical ointment for my tendinitis.

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06 Apr 2012, 12:44 am

Blocked yet another Aspie/autism person on twitter. I've blocked more autism people on twitter than probably everyone else combined. Racism, misogyny, contempt for mentally ill people, contempt for anyone who isn't autistic, contempt for education, contempt of science and facts, anti-vax garbage, just good ol' unbearable stupidity. Yeah, autism people tweeting this crap. Sorry, but way too many people in this community who plain just suck. And they all seem to be on Twitter.

I had hoped Twitter could be a way to network with other Aspies, but that haven't worked out for me very well. I like Twitter for other things, so I refuse to give it up over idiots Aspies who need to learn that begin an Aspie doesn't entitle you to be a-hole. I like Stephen Fry's idea about Twitter and the internet: that you can create your own little corner of the internet and block out on the ugly stuff that you find toxic. Granted, this seems to be making me pretty unpopular among the twitter autism circles, but screw them.


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06 Apr 2012, 12:48 am

What do you consider contempt for education? I don't have contempt for education, but I don't over estimate people who have more credentials than myself, I'm for equality.

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06 Apr 2012, 12:48 am


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06 Apr 2012, 1:53 am

SOPA Backroom Deal ... 5&rd=1&t=2

Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act ... 12&v=13512

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06 Apr 2012, 4:19 am

i was making gnochi for the first time and i put too many eggs in. my dad came home and started criticising me for everything he'd been saving up for the last 2 months and blaming me for the untidy nature of the house. there a 6 other people living here now yet it is me who cops the blame. he can never say anything nice. even my mum was angry at him for it.
also yesterday was horrid. on top of the stuffi posted my assignment was 1.5 hours late so it will be marked as such because marks are deducted for each day it is late and i handed the other in 1/2 an hour late. i didnt reference one of them correctly anyway. it was supposed to be done in the chicago style and with footnotes but i did it half chicago style and half harvard in text referencing. i suck so much. im going to fail. fail fail fail fail fail.


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06 Apr 2012, 4:26 am

All the supermarkets were closed, stoopid good friday :? But McDonalds was open and so were the petrol stations.

So I went to Maccas to buy some dinner seeing as the supermarkets weren't open, and there were a bunch of drunk (I assume) guys out the front being sexist dickheads. They wolf whistled at me as soon as I pulled into the drive. So there they were crowding around the entrance, I was of course hesitant to get out of my car and walk in but I did anyway (I think they were watching and waiting for me). Then one of the guys lies along the pavement in some stupid Ron Jeremy pose and says something to me, I can't remember what, and that's when I let it fly; I got furious and swore at them all and threatened to kick the guy in the head and tell the rest to get out of the f*****g entryway. They didn't really do anything in response so I was able to walk in and order my meal. As I was ordering I told the cashier there were guys out the front intimidating me (:P) and she sent out the manager to clear them away, they were already gone though (they must have seen me point at them as I was telling the cashier). They weren't anywhere to be seen when I went back to my car.

And that is the story of why I will be wearing my steel capped Docs to Maccas in future.


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06 Apr 2012, 5:05 am

The joys of being a lone chick at a fast food joint in the afternoon.

(Good that you responded in kind.)


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06 Apr 2012, 5:08 am

Go Blue Bean! :thumleft:

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06 Apr 2012, 5:11 am

I would have gladly kicked him in the head but I was wearing girly soft peeptoed ballet flats.

LOL. Girls wearing pretty & demure footwear aren't what they seem. I'm a pitbull dressed in pink :lol:


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06 Apr 2012, 2:18 pm

Heart palpitations. I have them worse today than I had in a long time. I've been to the emergency room for them in the past and they never find anything. I wish I had a valium to take to make them go away.


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06 Apr 2012, 2:20 pm

Earlier on I felt strange and unwell.


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06 Apr 2012, 4:04 pm

central heating broke, engineer mended it yesterday, cost me £60, then it broke again 2 hours after he left

Im freezing