Worst Day: man, this is a tough choice, but I guess it would be the day that I almost totalled my old honda civic. I was on a highway, and coming up to an intersection with a stop light. It had recently rained. And there was a big pickup truck in front of me. Bad combination. I overestimated the distance, and hit my brakes too hard, causing me to hydroplane and skid at a decent speed directly into the hitch assembly of the pickup, which struck in such a way that it peeled my hood back halfway to my windshield. Remarkably, the engine was not significantly damaged. Had the hitch been lower, it would have ripped right through the guts of my car. Turns out the guy in the pickup was a total redneck hunter-type, and he wasn't at all pleased that I'd delayed him. When the state trooper showed up, he and the driver of the truck knew each other, and apparently were good buddies. They joked around about hunting and stuff, while I am sitting there in my almost-ruined car, panicked out of my mind. And I got a ticket. And then had to pay a bunch to fix my car. That sucked.
Best Day: also a tough choice. But I'd say it would have to be the day I graduated from college. I'd been through 7+ years of hell to get a bachelor's degree, and I almost gave up/failed/lost my mind so many times... it was the biggest relief I'd ever felt to finally be done with it all, and have a degree to show for it. Getting that degree has enabled me to create a bit of an independent life for myself. That's the best possible thing.
Same question