kraftiekortie wrote:
That's okay, Blooie. I sense you are having a cathartic moment.
The 1947 Partition was a really tough time for people from Pakistan and India.
Honestly, I wouldn't to live in the time between the World Wars. Much of that time was spent in depression. And in being scared. People were too scared to act---that's why the Nazis got so far in what they felt they had to do.
Do you enjoy slow dancing, or fast boogieing?
Something else I want to add
Wouldnt nazis actually be the mosr frightened n paranoid of all?
Therefore they felt powerful inflicting on others
as they thought if ppl fear us we are safe. They even ratted each other out if someone didnt agree
Kids even did that to their parents
thats how much fear controlled their doings
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill