TrainofLove wrote:
I hate people who think only black people are allowed to say the n-word (apply this to any thing, person etc..). They claim it's some sort of empowerment or re-claiming. I say BS to that crap. You don't want us using the word, don't use it your self.
Honestly, my opinion is that it shouldn't be used, period. It strikes me as a classless, brute force way of spreading a bit of cultural depression. After all, a kid who grows up thinking of themselves as "n****r" is going to be more likely to have low self-esteem, I would think. Rebranding the word as empowerment was a con, plain and simple.
-The Jews did not deserve Israel for having lived there some 2000 years ago. They only have a right to it because they live there now. The Arabs have equal right.
-The African-Americans do not deserve to be paid back for having been slaves, because no one who would be receiving that money was a slave. Money doesn't come for nothing.
-Too many minorities tend to use past misfortune and self-pity to maintain a state of cultural torpor by guilting whites into paying their way, and a lot of liberals eat it up. They really need to knock it off. Everyone has to stand on their own two feet.