The only Rousseau I have ever read was his Confessions, which was the very first book I read in the French language. To be quite honest, I have an issue with French philosophy, particularly political philosophy, for the reason that it tends to view man in the abstract, as a thing to be shaped, for his own good, rather than an individual human being who must realise his own destiny. French liberalism is essentially Platonic in the sense of being top-down and bureaucratic, viewing man, quite erroneously, as being perfectible by means of reason alone, while British liberalism is Aristotelian ("bourgeois" is the inevitable accusation here) in the sense that it sees man in more humane, individual terms - as a creature who, by as it were trial and error must arrive at his own conception of the good. The problem of how men are to become good is recognised by the British liberal tradition, quite rightly, to be intractable and not to admit of a definite answer in terms of pure reason alone. In epistemological terms, the difference between French liberalism and British liberalism is that between rationalism and empiricism respectively. The latter, in politics as well as the natural sciences, has proven more fruitful time and time again. Rationalism, when extended to politics, almost invariably leads to disaster - the Terror, Bolshevism, Fascism, Nazism and Mao's Cultural Revolution were all the logical conclusion of Rousseau and his ideas. A nasty man and a nasty philosophy.
Bullying wasn't too big an issue for me - at least after I reached secondary school - but thanks for your sympathy. Actually, towards the end of secondary school, people began to admire me for my intellectual qualities. The worst thing anybody ever did to me was fill a can of Dr Pepper with spit and offer it to me as a drink. That one hurt, but I got over everything else. I was never "beaten up" or anything like that. For the most part, the extent of my bullying was being teased for being a little odd and shy.
I like chewing gum, but won't buy it anymore for the reason that every brand now contains aspartame.
Do you like horses?
Last edited by Prometheus18 on 14 Mar 2019, 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.