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12 Sep 2009, 12:56 pm

"The Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Great book by the way. Recommended.


Do you know what heat is as defined by science?

When superficiality reigns your reality, you are already lost in the sea of normality.


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12 Sep 2009, 1:06 pm

Not by science but by my fingers.


Do you know how to cook an egg?


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12 Sep 2009, 1:12 pm

Everybody knows. :P :D

How would you judge your level of functioning?


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13 Sep 2009, 7:01 am

Some days are notably better than others.
It seems to depend on how much sleep I get, and how much stress I'm under.
This morning, I've had less than enough sleep, and I was immediately greeted by stressors when I woke up. Hence, I am paranoid, anxious, and completely frazzled. Every little sound or movement is making me jump and cringe. Distracting myself on WP seems to help somewhat.


What coastal U.S. city seems worthy of a hurricane strike?



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15 Sep 2009, 12:27 pm

I don't know, Acacia. I wish no harm to people who have done nothing to me but you probably meant it like what is the ugliest city.... or something. Um, maybe and again I cannot answer really. Never been to the States and I don't know one particular city worthy of....


Obama has plans to create a new health care system.... so most people are insured against sickness or what have you. I mean the bills get paid by the insurance company in case one needs help.

Well, we have that in Holland for years and years (it's not perfect though but 98% of the Dutch are insured) but my question is why are there so many folks opposed to those plans? (how the F can that be bad thing, I wonder) (maybe a tad ignorant of me but.... )


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15 Sep 2009, 1:44 pm

why? hmm maybe because Obama is a communist islamic antichrist? :lol:

seriously though, I'm guessing they're just afraid of change.

do you often go to the doctor? why yes/why no?

not a bug - a feature.


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15 Sep 2009, 1:59 pm

Erminea wrote:
I wish no harm to people who have done nothing to me but you probably meant it like what is the ugliest city.... or something.

Yes, that's pretty much it. As in, "which city has a spirit about it which deserves to be washed away?" No specific harm to any people residing there.

And now...

anna-banana wrote:
do you often go to the doctor? why yes/why no?

No. The last time I went to the doctor was for an employment-required physical examination. That was 5 years ago. I haven't been to the doctor because of illness or injury in at least 10 years. I don't know why I seem to stay so healthy. No complaints here... I don't have health insurance! Job doesn't offer it, and I can't afford it. C'mon Obama... we need universal health care!!


Tell us about your spirituality. What do you believe about the soul, and god? Why?



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16 Sep 2009, 2:38 pm

since there is no single rational reason to believe in either god or soul, I believe in neither

do you pee in the shower?

not a bug - a feature.


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16 Sep 2009, 2:58 pm

Mmmm, Anna.... I was writing this and you.... you posted before me. (sorry, I have to smack your bottom now) Or nah, that's not going to happen, so I'll post my reply to Acacia anyway.

Jeee, got an hour or three. Um, where to start and keep it short also. (plus, wish I could express myself in my own language here).

I think I'm a tad spiritual but not religious. I do not follow what a book, another person, whole groups of folks or what ever tell it's true. The skeptic in me won't allow that and I tend to put a question mark to almost everything. I rather stay in doubt than turn blind.

God? 'God created man in his own image'.... to me that's one of the biggest delusion a lot of folks believe in and this for a long time. Far more logical to me is to turn it around. I.e. 'man created god in his own image'. Out of a need, out of trying to seek for answers or out of megalomaniac madness.... I don't know but ask a horse, an ant or whatever animal to describe (hypothetical.... if that was possible) what his/her idea of god is, the horse would picture a big, strong, noble, just and so on über-horse probably. And the ant would also picture a über-ant, so to say and not some dude with pasta sauce in his beard, somewhere in the universe waving his index finger at the horse and ant telling them to convert or else....

Soul? Um, tough one but I tend to divide stuff into fours and in my, not already totally fixed yet, perception a human has four 'parts' (?). Will, mind, soul and body. Soul in this light stands for feelings and emotions, the patio.... Mind for the thought world, the logic, the ratio.... Will, the will, the wish, the desire, the graving but also the fear. The first, lets say, the wish is to go towards something and fear is the opposite.... I wish to go away from it, yet still a wish.... Body stands for basic things like bones, teeth but also the need for air, thirst and hunger. (fire, air, water and earth.... Empedokles)

(what question to ask after this, I wonder)


(same) Do you pee in the shower?


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16 Sep 2009, 3:11 pm

No, I don't. It really grosses me out. I have to pee first, then have a shower. If I pee after my shower, I don't feel as clean. There. Now you've all learned more about me than you cared to. :lol:

have you ever told off a telemarketer? (I say this as one is leaving a message on my answering machine right now :roll: )


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16 Sep 2009, 3:56 pm

^^I was hoping that I'll find out that I'm not the only person it the world grossed out by peeing in the shower (had a long discussion about it with a few friends tonight) :lol:

telemarketers... well I like to piss them off a bit. I usually just pretend that I believe they are a friend calling in with a prank and I just go "yeah yeah ok, I know it's you, you can stop now" or "hahaha nice story you told there but I know it's you, come on, no point denying. so how are you anyway?" that usually gets them either angry or puzzled. both of which are funny :lol:

do you think you could be a surgeon? do you get grossed out by blood and stuff like that at all?

not a bug - a feature.


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16 Sep 2009, 4:48 pm

I couldn't be a surgeon because my memory is crap when it comes to everything I could have to retain/know. But blood, surgery, nothing like that grosses me out at all. The day I got certified for CPR/Emergency Response, I walked out of the building and then saw a woman get hit by a car. I was the first to treat her on the scene until the paramedics arrived. talk about ironic timing. :lol: She turned out being fine, but she bled a lot. When I was at the hospital on Monday I was staring at a guy who was covered in blood. Got shot in the stomach. Looked nasty but it doesn't gross me out.

If you could have someone show up at your door with your favourite meal, what would it be?


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16 Sep 2009, 7:09 pm

thought about it and couldnt decide, then came back to and realized it would have to be something homemade. You didnt exactly specify someone showing up with delivery or take out, so I would say it would have to be someone showing up with my mom's homemade fettuccine in alfredo sauce. Real alfredo style which my mom refuses to make anymore because it contains so many raw eggs. Anytime you get it these days it is just cream and parmesan cheese =/, good, but it's a travesty to call that an alfredo sauce after you've tried the real stuff. One of these days i'll steal that recipe from her box and make some, keep asking her too, but she wont, and she's moved on beyond the salmonella scare and into the health food faze and wont make it cause there's probably like 300 calories in every tablespoon of the sauce =P. But damnit, i'll add a love handle for the stuff!! ! Haha.


What is your favorite meal from childhood?

?It's a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies.? - El Che


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16 Sep 2009, 10:11 pm

Rice porridge after the old-fashioned, Norwegian recipe with sugar and cinnamon sprinkle and a chunk of butter.


You hear the word "mathematics". What is the first thing that pops into your mind?

When superficiality reigns your reality, you are already lost in the sea of normality.


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16 Sep 2009, 10:37 pm

Very stereotypical image here... long equations scrawled out across a giant chalkboard in a dusty, cavernous college classroom. Second to that would simply be a freeform spacey assortment of geometric shapes floating around.


If anyone ever made a movie about you and your life, what would the title be?



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16 Sep 2009, 10:57 pm

The Nobody That Was

What is your theme song?