Ahh, the elegance of numbers. If only they had volition.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 00.00 01.00 04.00 09.00 16.00 25.00 36.00 49.00 64.00 81.00
1 00.01 01.21 04.41 09.61 16.81 26.01 37.21 50.41 65.61 82.81
2 00.04 01.44 04.84 10.24 17.64 27.04 38.44 51.84 67.24 84.64
3 00.09 01.69 05.29 10.89 18.49 28.09 39.69 53.29 68.89 86.49
4 00.16 01.96 05.76 11.56 19.36 29.16 40.96 54.76 70.56 88.36
5 00.25 02.25 06.25 12.25 20.25 30.25 42.25 56.25 72.25 90.25
6 00.36 02.56 06.76 12.96 21.16 31.36 43.56 57.76 73.96 92.16
7 00.49 02.89 07.29 13.69 22.09 32.49 44.89 59.29 75.69 94.09
8 00.64 03.24 07.84 14.44 23.04 33.64 46.24 60.84 77.44 96.04
9 00.81 03.61 08.41 15.21 24.01 34.81 47.61 62.41 79.21 98.01
I made a new variation on the Modern Major General's Song! I still have not gotten to doing, "Dies Irae," about ACTA, but that will come sssoon.
The Quack Doctor's Cure Song:
If there is any condition of which you are quite unaware
If being dull or sharp are not things of which you would like to care,
If you spend days in happiness, and others in quite grand despair
If social you are too much so, or never step outside your lair;
You may have noticed that your life will sometimes fold or bend or tear,
Or may not do so and remain exactly how you left it there,
If have-no-more or have-marble, if typical or abnormal,
In any case all will be solved by the life-bringing calomel.
Should you realize that in real life you really are too casual,
Or note that pedantry is what makes you sound too formal.
Quicksilver's the solution for anything you would hate to bear
If there is any condition of which you are quite unaware.
If you have seen a psycho doc or alternate medic's practice,
You will quite know that nocebo will not do them their full justice.
Since you have something you don't know, and that something is very rare,
You may as well pay me for cure, I ask only 8k you spare.
And if we can't do that we can always arrange a good working loan,
The only ones in jail are those who when asked to pay cry and moan,
Those rotten patients know nothing, but you look quite understanding,
For I can see necessity etched in your face needing mending.