My last formal diagnosis is 'person with autistic traits'.... labeled by total morons, I must add. Before there were other tags but I simply cannot be bothered anymore by stupid yet screamingly arrogant shrinks and the likes. I know who and what I am and that's an Asperger for real. Neither a blessing nor curse that is.
Anywhooi.... oink.... (expressed some anger towards RL-NTs here before but.... ) in general I'm not that bothered by whatever label anyone here is tagged. No one knows oneself better that him/her self, I believe and the opinions of a lot of shrinks are as arbitrary as mine. Who am I to judge?
I do not dislike anyone here, it's true, and some folks, no names, I like a tad better. Know 'm a little better as we tend to bump into each other *bump* a little more. Sorry, blah (3x) again.
Being on the subject and not sure here but I thought a new 'updated' DSM is coming up soon. My thoughts are, for a while now, shouldn't we ourselves write the correct diagnosing criteria for AS?
(I believe we can and maybe it's better that way for yeah, I kinda lost hope psychiatrists will ever fully understand)