I know for sure that humans getting lost on
drugs end up feeling really bad usually. But,
i have a gutfeeling that a human with AS
getting lost on drugs can have it even
worse due to the way things are felt
and remembered i have no evidence,
just a thought that have been spinning
around, the way many with AS feels and
reacts often does not go well with substance
abuse i think, it can hurt even more then
it usually does and you dont forget it ever
I`ve had my share of drugs in the past and
they are still hurting me, the memories...
sometimes i just swallowed as much as i could
just to try and not feel and forget, instead i
felt really bad and i still remember everything
I tried to drink and black out so i didnt have to
remember the night, instead i remember everything
i cant even drink to forget.. i cant forget it seems like.
And this make me very sad, i`m just so sure theres
alot of people out there hurting bad for different
reasons mixed togehter and they might not even
know what it is thats tormenting them
A guy i called a friend a long time ago went downhill
on drugs, got arrested one night and then they found
him dead in the cell 2 hours later, he had had a real
bad break down and then the exact same thing
happend to his brother 6 months later it was
just unbelivebal. I remember those guys...they didnt
fit, and i wonder.... they never got past 19 and 22
and it destroyed the whole family, it was so sad,
still is