I think pets are unhygienic. The only pets people should be able to keep are little things that can be (humanely) kept in cages (big enough for their needs). Cats and dogs for instance climb up on beds, furniture, tables, worktops. It's gross. When a cat rubs its face against you, it is wiping disgusting cheek secretions onto you, marking you as it's territory. Tomcats that are not neutered have a tendency to spraying urine up your walls. Cats bring in dead birds and mice etc. and lay them on the floor. Cats sick up revolting, slimy hairballs, claw your furniture and crap all over the gardens of other (non-cat owning) people for their children and them to tread in. Dogs slobber everywhere, chew your possessions, unusually stink and hump objects. Dogs can spread toxicara. Cats can spread toxoplasmosis. Both can spread fleas into your home and leave their hairs all over your clothes and possessions.
Why anyone would want cats and dogs is beyond me. (I know some people do it for companionship but like I say, there are smaller creatures that don't have free reign to spread germs and vile things all over your home).
*Truth fears no trial*
DX AS & both daughters on the autistic spectrum