Random fact that maybe not everybody knows.
Many have seen the fight scene in Indiana Jones,
Indiana against some dude that does alot of
movements and sounds and look really cool
with a sword-thingy.....and then Indiana just
shoot him, done, end fight.
Heres the thing, in the script Indiana was supposed
to do alot of fancy moves, it was supposed to be
a long fight scene with swords.
But, on the day of the shooting it was insanely hot,
they had been delayed, everybody was tired and
wanted to get it done. They had shot several takes
of the guy jumping around showing off but didnt get
it right and had to do it again, and it was getting really
Then, Harrison Ford notices that he has his gun on
him in the belt as a part of the costume and says
to the director "look, i have a gun, why dont i just
shoot the guy and get it over with?"
And the director replied; "great idea! lets do that!"
and the rest is history
I find that more funny
then the scene itself.