blazingstar wrote:
There have been two recent fatal vehicle accidents in my small rural community, both involving minors and a very high quantity of alcohol. The one this past weekend was a 15 year old, drunk, who "failed to negotiate a curve" and ended up with his brains splattered on the windshield. The previous one had a 17 year old drunk driver, a minor female passenger and a 14 year old riding in the back of the pickup. This vehicle also "failed to negotiate a curve." The 14 year old was dead at the scene. The 17 year old has been charged with vehicular homicide. He is being tried as an adult.
Do you think the intoxicated teen should spend the rest of his life in jail? (Relating back to the discussion about punishment.)
I don't, but I also don't think you should be allowed to drive at 17.
i definitely don't think teens should be tried as adults since the judgment function of the brain isn't mature until age 25.