Kuraudo7777 wrote:
This is one of the first and most powerful things you can do to another person or group of people whom you are determined to hate. Stop regarding them as human beings, in the small patterns of things such as how you refer to them. This spreads to how you think about them, and through your speech patterns to other people.
Dictators and tyrants have known and used this technique for thousands of years. The enemy deserves no mercy, deserves to be eradicated, because they are not really people. Say it enough times, over a long enough period, and people will start to believe you. Sadly, that long enough period is not very long. And once people start believing that the enemy isn't human, isn't worthy of respect, doesn't deserve the same rights and freedoms that you enjoy, doesn't deserve to live...
You end up making people comfortable with the idea of denying rights, liberties, and eventually life itself to whatever group you started to refer to in dehumanising terms.
Beware people who talk like some other group of people deserves any less dignity than anyone else.
well said. the current US president calls immigrants animals, for example. hitler called jews vermin. and lots of folks who should know better call people who break certain laws monsters. those people are still people. and all of us, every day, are doing the very best we can. we all deserve every consideration and chance to do as well as we can. and, if there is a heaven, everyone goes. (who would want to spend ANY time with a god who thought wisdom is condemning people to ETERNAL torture? that's not a loving god. it isn't even a nice guy. if that's who i'd have to spend eternity with, send me to the other place.) hitler might spend the first six million years of heaven washing jewish feet and loving it.