Fnord wrote:
I feel hostility toward our entire medical care system. My doctor seems more interested in running un-necessary tests on me and getting me to participate in esoteric studies than in addressing the things I see him for.
For instance, there's this growth on my back that I want checked and/or removed, but all he is interested in is scheduling a colonoscopy for me.
Same question...
Despite BEING a doctor or maybe because of it my mom feels as u do. In fact after her brain tumour operations she felt even more strongly about it as a lot of unethical things were done as u say unnecessary tests but not the requisite.. Not telling patient stuff or just preparing them after major surgery how to get by.. Not believing things delaying.. Not giving referrals as they said they wd..needing to be reminded many times.. Etc
My dad flew her to Saudi multiple times n London instead bcuz she was so distraught from this way of doing things but often found it to be similar just less.
She has seen the samr with my elder n if it werent for her alertness n intelligence they were essentially sending him home with bacterial pneuomonia n refusing yo do tests..
She was convinced it was bacterial n she had a list of symptoms he fit but they didnt believe it
she knew the reason was she believed hr had contracted a virus that was going round then and from that he vomited at XHs home and aspirated was her guess n they ignored until i got XH to say the exact thing then they tested..
She said the exact protocol they shd do n she said IV was urgent bcuz of his GSD but they ignored it..till what i wrote (listening to XH who himself was ignoring at first for 2 days).
N my mom was correct.. If they had delayed any further..
He had been being sent home several days by them n was so weak n afterwards we read news articles about ppl in perfect health dying overnight frm some virus ...
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill