Zack1994 wrote:
I feel like an outcast because of my Christianity and at the same time holding some mental conditions. I don't want my family to think the reason why I'm a Christian is because of my psychosis or because my father's side forced me to do it. I'm a Christian because of my own personal reasons which I can't think of. I wish I could relate to other autistics about this. In some way I feel like women don't want to be around me because of my religious belief. Already this generation is moving away from Christianity because it all it appears to be about is hate and war. No, Christianity isn't about that. I don't know. I wish people would see me as an ordinary Christian trying to get through life like anyone else. I kind of wish I could be just as accepted as the pagans on this website.
I appreciate you writing about this as it's true people do make fun of or assume things of Christians automatically.
I'm not one but I appreciate Christian lectures and music and usually have my radio station tuned into one of two Christian radio stations or classical music. All three are usually soothing.
I also regularly watch YouTube videos with Bible based ideas. I also think any decent person would see the person before the assumptions they have about the person's religious and political choices.
So be strong and don't worry
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill