long yes some, longest on the nighttrain marseille-paris, '80 a whole regiment of the foreign legion got on the same train, where one nearly gets raped by the little officer when the corridor's full with the soldiers
nowadays, years i mean, you must have bankcards and plastic things to go public transport,
more train, but i theorethically do like trains, travel with two toddlers, first the pram couldn't pass the door, sit in the in-out space with two toddlers for hours, how"s that? then go from one train to the other, everyone rushed away, i found me at the escalator with a pram, a toddler and stuff, now what? oh there's an elevator, closed, sign says get the keys upstairs, huh
luckily some minutes later a lady helped me with the children and the excalator,
then we bought a car
same question