envirozentinel wrote:
How did your main parties land up being represented by a donkey and an elephant, anyway?
i know...why?
i read that andrew jackson was the first democrat president to be associated wih the donkey. his opponents labeled him as a populist and a bunch of nasty names, one of them "jackass".
he liked it, the sly guy. used the jackass/donkey as a campaign symbol, but it was thomas nast that used the donkey as a symbol to represent an antiwar faction during the civil war, in a cartoon in harper's weekly.
the elephant may have come from a cartoon with said donkey, with a lions skin and scaring a bunch of animals in the forest, among them an elephant named "the republican vote"
"An Ass, having put on the Lion's skin, roamed about in the Forest, and amused himself by frightening all the foolish Animals he met with in his wanderings.' -- Shakespeare or Bacon"
then, history.
also, bull moose. look at those freaking teeth, teddy must have been real easy to caricature.
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