IsabellaLinton wrote:
Yes. I’m afraid of everything in general.
Hyper-vigilance is my default state.
Same question
Yes. I thought that I was just afraid of impending social interactions with people but have recently discovered that it goes much deeper than that - I am afraid for my life around people; apparently, no matter how incapable they are of physically harming me. i.e. A deaf/blind 97-year-old using a walker coming around a blind corner will send me into a blind panic. A panic, I would note, that I've hidden from the world so well that even I didn't see it until very recently.
(By the way, I just want to interject here how unique of an experience it is for me to share that and NOT expect to be made fun of, or humiliated, or yelled at for saying so. It is amazing and I'm grateful to WP and the people who make it up)
Speaking of gratitude, my question is: What are you grateful for today?