KitLily wrote:
Blimey, me too! Some days my brain is superpowered, other days I struggle to think.
I think I know what you mean. Some days I wake up and everything just flows at it should, whereas other days I feel as though I'm thinking through a fog. It can feel as though I've been replaced for the day when I have a day where everything just clicks somehow. There are bad days, OK days, good days and
bizarrely good days. I've wondered for a while why this occurs. On such days it almost feels as if my head is buzzing. It's a nice sensation. Tends to come with a lot of nervous energy though. I think it has something to do with being in a elevated mood, though it can be difficult to pinpoint the cause of such a feeling.
League_Girl wrote:
How non binary people can claim to be gay or lesbian. I mean lesbian means when a female likes only other females and gay is when a male only likes other males. But because non binary is neither, how can they be gay or lesbian?
There's a bit of a debate within the community regarding how the terms gay and lesbian should be used and defined. Originally, the term gay was only used to refer to men with interest in other men. However, over the years people started using the word gay when discussing women who are interested in other women. In contrast, the word lesbian has remained gendered. Due to their different origins, the word gay is a verb whereas lesbian is a noun.
Sappho was a poet who lived on the Island of Lesbos. Most notably famous for her poetry about other women. Unfortunately, her work was considered sacrilegious and it was destroyed. Fragments remain. However, she certainly made a significant impact on the world. Originally the word lesbian meant someone from the Island of Lesbos. However, it became a slang term to mean a woman who shows interest in other women - a fan or follower of Sappho's work. There's been a fair amount of debate regarding Sappho's sexuality. She also wrote poetry about men. It is a significant possibility that Sappho may have been bisexual, however others argue that she may have felt pressured to write poetry about men so we can't be certain. Then there's even more debate regarding whether we should or shouldn't be labelling historical figures.
Generally, we think of the word lesbian to mean a woman exclusively attracted to other women. The exclusive part of the definition wasn't added until later as the word developed. Some argue that we should drop that part and go back to previous definitions.
It should be noted that some people use gay as an umbrella term. Some people who are bisexual may refer to themselves as gay despite experiencing attraction to the opposite sex. Now this one is a pretty divisive topic. Whether gay should only be used to refer to exclusive attraction, or whether it should be a more broad term. It brings up questions such as if one or both people in a relationship are bisexual and the same sex, should they still be referred to as a gay couple? What about as a lesbian couple? Some people prefer to identify their relationship as queer or simply not straight due to this reason. Queer is definitely a controversial one, it was originally an insult but has since been reclaimed, but not everyone in the community is on board with this reclamation.
When you consider the word gay as the broadest umbrella term possible, aka anyone who isn't straight, then someone who is non-binary would fit into this definition. There is no direct opposite gender in that situation, therefore it cannot fit into the straight category. However, if you consider the term gay as one that refers to exclusive attraction to the same gender, then it doesn't fit into that either. Similar issue with bisexual. How exactly you define a relationship with a non-binary person comes into question. Not straight seems to be the most fitting. Some people decide not to use labels at all and just date.
Since the word lesbian is still fairly gendered, that one is a little trickier to explain. I've seen people argue that lesbian should be defined as a non-man loving non-man but that's a clunky definition at best.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.