yellow really is the new green here. the hills and mountains are so parched deer and other animals are coming down into the city to forage for food, earthworms are coming out of the ground and aestivating, and ants are proliferating in houses. my chem teachers friend lives in a more wooded part of town and she says saw deer, big majestic bucks with beautifully crafted antlers, drinking out of the artificial pond in her private property, not even giving a damn that people are watching them through the window. that's how thirsty they are.
not only deer, but coyotes too, coming down and breaking into backyards and allegedly devouring peoples pets right in front of them. eek.
the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge, they call it. don't get your hopes up for any methods such as giant fans or other crap to make it go away, the energy in these weather systems is greater than that of nuclear weapons. the greatness of el nino, one of our biggest hopes has disappointed us recently and now will be no different. rain or not, i just want it to get cooler.
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