ezbzbfcg2 wrote:
QUESTION: Thinking about who you are, and considering what about who you are is caused by your Autism...What is the ONE best thing, and the ONE worst thing about having Asperger's for you (meaning, if you were suddenly to become NT, you'd no longer have these two good/bad qualities)?
... 'Lack of filthers' are
both the best and worst most autism relevant trait I have.
one each?
Best? Asociality. But even asociality can be cultivated with years of life experience. I just don't have to do that.
Worst? Dysregulation. Even before I had any clear language comprehension, I already knew I want to get rid of it.
I already can tease out which is autism and which is an inherited issue -- just by looking at my family tree, their lifestyles, their patterns and it's issues...
Just deduce from there, I'd know what kind of issues I will very likely have if I were an NT.
Same question.