My sister, her boyfriend/fiance and their 2 month old baby just moved in yesterday and will be staying with us for about a month. I am pretty excited to see all of them. Yesterday was the first time that I saw the baby and I am never around very small children. The baby is my niece so of course I feel an emotional connection to her but I don't really "understand" her. I mean, she's an infant, she doesn't talk and only makes noises.. but I still hope that while they are here, I am able to start to understand her noises/ what makes her happy/ sad etc etc. She will be the first of my sibling's children that I will be able to spend time with, while they are growing up. I'm really excited that they will be here.
--Nyx-- What an astonishing thing a book is. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you... Carl Sagan