beentheredonethat wrote:
1942 I'm born. Big deal. Mother and father thought so, didn't have much to say about it.
1952 I'm in elementary school. Internet, cell phones, what are you talking about? Eisenhower and polio.
1962 I'm in college. Yawn
1971 I'm in Vietnam, getting shot at, shooting back, I was a pretty good killer....I guess.....I came home alive
1986 Kid is born. (well, I got married first)
1996 I'm working at something I hate, but it's paying the bills.
2006 I wake up and I'm retired. I don't feel any different from 1952, but now there's cell phones, TV, the internet, no polio, and some pretty interesting people on the internet, especially on this board.
Watertiger, if you're lucky, you'll get to be as old as I am. Just don't walk across the street without looking both ways!
I was born in 1942 also, so that makes me and BTDT the two biggest creeps here.
My story is much the same as BTDT's. No polio, wow, I remember the relief and joy I felt knowing that my children would not be afflicted by that terrible disease. I would like to remind all of you children that it was someone over 30 that invented the polio vacicne, so you guys don't have to worry about becoming paralyzed and/or crippled or spend your life in an Iron Lung.
I only found out recently that I have Asperger's Syndrome. It's good to be able to escape from the RW and compare experiences with both the older and younger generations who have the same characteristics. Most of my life I have been shunned and ridiculed by neurotypical people because I was different, odd, weird. I didn't think it would happen on wrong planet. Doesn't it occur to OP that people who have lived a long time and managed to build a decent and productive life would have something valuable to offer. I always loved to be around my elders and was fascinated by their stories. And I have learned many things from young people as well. I hope you will learn to be less prejudicial and ageist.
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here, ohhhh, ohhhh