Jonsi wrote:
chrissyrun wrote:
Jonsi wrote:
chrissyrun wrote:
Jonsi wrote:
Resisting cravings. v_v
You can do it!

I blame my love for eating! I do manage to win sometimes actually. Cheese usually helps.

Yea, I have the same problem....the internet helps. =)
I have no where but here to go. If it weren't for WP, I would have no use for the internet. D:
I'd probably get lonely without it though... I have my sister, but she's my sister. There are just some things siblings can't share. Things that seem to have just now slipped my mind. D:
Well, this isn't the first site I've made friends on.....I do have a fb (though I can barely call them friends, on the NT one), and I was addicted to myyearbook (loose acquaintances) and then experienceproject where I made some really close friends but was forced to cut it off by my parents......but if it weren't for WP, I would have little use for the internet, at this time in my life.
Exactly, it's weird, I felt lonely previously, but I found stuff to everyone was young and nice. Then everyone started dating in high school, and I wasn't pretty enough/didn't have social suave to join in....and I was lonely. Bam, the internet appears, and I reach out to it for friends....and it returns the favor (if that makes any sense).