I remember a lot from my childhood...more than I remember about my life now, actually.
I remember my preschool class chanting "Liar, liar, pants on fire" at my teacher when she said it was her 32nd birthday. Every kid knows that teachers don't have birthdays because they don't have lifes outside of school.
I remember being chased and pinned down on the playground (I want to say this was in kindegarden or first grade, but my mother says it was preschool) and then being inappropitetly touched and choked by another kid. His name was Andrew and he had problems at home, so they didn't punish him. No one helped me either.
I remember walking around outside and just looking at everything. We used to live in the woods and the light and moss made everything a truly lovely shade of green. I felt peaceful and extremely calm.
I remember agreeing with another kid in kindegarden that we were going to get married when we grew up. I found out later that my father was appalled by this (he views any male around my age as bad, lol).
I remember that a friend of mine was choking on a blue candycane, performing Heimlick, and her coughing it up. At the time it seemed heroic, but looking back, she was coughing before, so she was never truly choking.
I remember getting a hearing test in the doctor's office and surprising the nurse because I heard beeps that I wasn't supposed to.
I remember having a friend named Felica. I remember what she looked like, a shirt she wore, and how she acted. The weird thing is that none of my friends from this time period remember her, and I'm almost positive that I didn't make her up.
I remember looking out at a dome in Columbus, Ohio, when my parents told us that we were going to be moving to Ohio.
I remember moving up to Ohio in 3rd grade, and every time we went around a turn, my Furby woke up and blasted out some random nonsense. It drove us all mad.
I remember my first day at school in Ohio. The two girls who were assigned to be my helpers were wearing Santa hats that day, and they informed me that they couldn't go into the girls' bathroom because Santa and his elves weren't girls. They scared me at the time, but we became best friends afterward.
I remember watching the rain drip down the bus windows and thinking that if you listened and watched closely enough, the rain would tell a story.
I remember trying to play "Glow, Little Glow Worm" and becoming more and more frustrated. I wanted to play a different song, and I did.
I never did learn Glow Worm.
I remember a lot more, of course, but those stand out the most.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!