naturalplastic wrote:
CockneyRebel wrote:
The Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS didn’t like each other.
And that's why I'm going to stay here using whichever avatar I choose.
That's a good solution IMHO. Artie Johnson looks too goofy in that pic to be offensive to any sane person..
I was playing the Devil's advocate a little bit, but to make a point. The point being that you DO have freedom to pick any avatar you want but with that freedom comes responsibility. If you pick an avatar that sends an ambiguous message then you have to accept the risk that folks might misunderstand it. You cant ALWAYS blame everyone else for every thing.You have to take some ownership if you get flak for something ambiguous.
But sometimes, if you're creative, you can find a way around it.
And that's exactly what you did with that current avatar. It communicates that its a spoof in a rather obvious way that some of your previous avatars did not.
There is always a chance that no matter what you say or do somebody will misinterpret it, be offended, call you out, or try to ban you. All attempts to defend your motives or provide context will only result in more offense being taken.
This has always been true but more so now as we have been conditioned in the last couple of decades to find offense. That is why the concept of Microagressions have gained agency.
In reaction to the being offended trend there is a countertrend to troll by intentionally offending. All of this leaves one with a fear of saying anything and to give up which is the intent.
At some point one needs to overcome the understandable urge to to say as little as possible to mask as most as possible and use your freedom of expression. That makes you vulnerable in an era where civility is viewed a quaint relic that enables the evildoers. That does mean you should deliberately offend to just for the sake of triggering the snowflakes.
Thats what the comedian in Legally brown does he does stuff that CAN offend every single category but its very clever.
The only part of it that actually really angers me is not what he does but the fact that he relies so much on lying. But I tell myself that the people being trolled are likely told afterwards.