Quarantine? Quarantine?! What quarantine? I have health issues that keep me at home almost all of the time, and I am an introvert who lives alone, so this is normal for me. Thanks to having been without power for over 5 & 1/2 days at the beginning of 2005, due to snow and ice storms, I developed a strong interest in being prepared, so I have a stockpile of some of the dry goods I need, and one of my brothers picks up a few groceries for me when he does his own grocery runs. He lives in a nearby town, and sometimes shops over near me, so it is easy for him to stop by to drop off the stuff he picks up for me. It gives him a chance to check on me, and also to vent to me. He and my other brother are co-owners of a house, but aren't buddy brothers, so he sometimes needs someone to talk to, and I've become a sort of captive audience. Fortunately, the house they share has a second smaller kitchen upstairs, and there are bathrooms on both floors, so one of my brothers lives upstairs, and the other lives downstairs, which makes the situation work out for them.
Anyway, I'm used to being alone almost all of the time, and prefer it, so the quarantine hasn't made any real changes for me, except it's now impossible to buy facial tissues and TP online for home delivery. Fortunately, my brother was able to pick up a TP bundle and a 3-pack of regular-sized boxes of facial tissues for me last week when he was picking up some groceries for me. 
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau