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28 May 2018, 11:00 am

Dammit! I forgot it was a Bank Holiday today. :oops: :roll:
I've missed all the shops, now - no biscuits for me today! 8O

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28 May 2018, 11:16 am

Trogluddite wrote:
Dammit! I forgot it was a Bank Holiday today. :oops: :roll:
I've missed all the shops, now - no biscuits for me today! 8O

The Tesco Express near me is open until 11pm and the Aldi Until 8.


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28 May 2018, 11:29 am

^ One of those times where I wish I could drive. I love living out in the sticks where it's so much quieter, but it's a sod not having places like that within easy reach, sometimes. My own fault of course, I really should learn to remember what day of the week it is! :lol: :oops:

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28 May 2018, 3:08 pm

Trogluddite wrote:
When my autism was diagnosed and I finally had my diagnostic report, dozens of detailed pages of it, I stupidly thought that all the other agencies that I had to deal with would now listen, understand and find me appropriate support (the report itself suggested specific interventions, none of which have yet happened after over three years.)
Mine has five recommendations, none have happened, or anything else. It say's in it that 'the people supporting Fluffy (OK, that's not my real name) need to understand bla bla bla' Who are these people supporting me.

The only support I've had has been the jobcentre :o they are the only people in my town other than my parents who know I am autistic and while their help has to be on very set paths they have been very kind and even set up for me to meet some other people on the spectrum at a jobcentre in another town, otherwise I would still be the only autistic person I'd met. It helps that I found a job, and as it's part time I still have to do the same things as everyone else but they are really trying to understand our issues and problems.

My doctors surgery insists on me explaining my problems to them on the telephone, doesn't explain anything to me, and all round stresses me out.

It's coming up to a year since my assessment, I've had no counseling at all and I'm not on any lists for any, is this normal?


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28 May 2018, 4:44 pm

^ Sadly, it does seem to be pretty normal, judging by what I read on various forums and from other autistic people I know around here. As far as I can tell, there is simply nothing autism-specific available in most places through the NHS or GP referrals, even if an NHS unit did the diagnosis (it was them that were supposed to provide my OT, but as ever, funding cuts mean that they can't provide this any more.)

If you haven't done so already, the best bet for getting some support seems to be to get an assessment of needs from local adult social services, preferably with the support of a NGO disability advocacy worker. If deemed as needing support, what interventions are available depends on exactly what service providers are available locally and how much funding the SW can justify for each intervention. You are also usually expected to contribute towards the cost, with the intention that this would come from claiming PIP benefit, which is a whole other kettle of fish.

The disability advocacy service was the key thing for me. Without them, I wouldn't even have known what options were available to me, nor had a clue how to navigate the bureaucracy. They're becoming a dying breed unfortunately, but I heartily recommend you try to find one if possible. Good luck! :D

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30 May 2018, 1:06 am

Yes, I agree with Mr T.

At least get some kind of advocacy agency involved so you know what your rights are Fluffly.

Perhaps they could help you find some counselling if you ever want it.

The place that diagnosed you should have offered some support to help you process your new diagnosis.

The basic counselling which is offered by a GP surgery is not normally proper counselling but rather a type of support. If yours is anything like mine you will be offered short courses. (mindfulness, relaxation, etc.)


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30 May 2018, 4:53 am

League_Girl wrote:
I really liked the UK despite how expensive it is there and how small your cars are and your homes. A decent sized home you would find in America, you would basically have to be wealthy to afford such a home in the UK. I bet even having a garage there is a luxury, here it is treated as a necessity because almost everyone has one. It's like us Americans are spoiled because we need big rooms and stuff and a wide kitchen and we don't wanna dry our clothes. We also need a big bathroom. We must have more than one because we don't wanna share or want to wait to use the toilet.

Garages are not that uncommon in the UK but it does depend on where you live. A good rule of thumb is that the closer someone lives to the city centre or town centre the less likely they are to have a garage. I live out in the countryside and moved to a new house late last year that doesn't have a garage, it is a former council house and no houses on our road have garages. I moved out of a former council house to move here and had a garage at my old house, as did everyone on the road, but we were the only road in the estate to have garages.

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30 May 2018, 5:04 am

Temeraire wrote:
What's the weather like where you are in the UK?

It's hot, sunny and barely a breeze here.

Perfect for a day of gardening.

What will you do today?

overcast today but it's been glorious of late, though you are only just down the M4 from me so you knew that!

Also been loving my garden recently, my vegetable patch is coming on well


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30 May 2018, 5:33 am

For those interested in the quirkier side of UK life, the cheese rolling was on last weekend



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30 May 2018, 5:46 am

Biscuitman wrote:
For those interested in the quirkier side of UK life, the cheese rolling was on last weekend


This is a very countryside thing. In Liverpool we just have drunk underage girls rolling down hills passed out.


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30 May 2018, 9:09 am

Biscuitman wrote:
For those interested in the quirkier side of UK life, the cheese rolling was on last weekend


All that pain for a block of cheese , don't get me wrong cheese is tasty but not 8 hours in casualty tasty :lol:

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30 May 2018, 9:15 am

Ouch...totally the Running of the Bulls in Pamploma, Spain....


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30 May 2018, 9:42 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
Ouch...totally the Running of the Bulls in Pamploma, Spain....

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30 May 2018, 10:04 am



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30 May 2018, 11:22 am


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Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard


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30 May 2018, 11:26 am

Bang...Zoom.....straight to the Moon!