Kuraudo7777 wrote:
It's said that you can't read in dreams, but that's definitely untrue as I saw what the covers were.
Where did you hear that people can't read in dreams? I'm just curious because I read in my dreams all the time. In fact, that's my most common way of dreaming. It happens more than plot-based or sensory-based dreaming for me.
I read (imaginary) books, novels, academic papers, poetry, or even WP posts while I'm dreaming. I see the words in print form and read just like in real life. When I wake up I can remember how the passages looked visually as well as remembering the content and transposing it. It's always very well written material. It's not 'weird' or 'nonsensical' like some of my plot-driven dreams.
I can write in my dreams too. I see my hands typing or writing in longhand just like real life. I feel the movement. I'm often aware of my thinking and editing process, rather like lucid dreaming. I write prose, poetry, academics, jokes, WP posts ... In fact I even composed my senior thesis statement while asleep.
I'm curious to know how unusual this is. I mentioned it to my psychologist and my ASD assessor and neither said it was particularly unusual. I wonder if it has to do with my synaesthesia? Do you read and write in dreams while you're working on your novels?
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.