I inherited a shedload of money from my grandmother when I turned 23. That sounds great, right? Well, it's all relative (no pun), because that's the reason my abusive exh married me. He was gay but didn't admit that to me until he had matrimonial rights to my cash. He admitted in court that he expected to get half of the money and half the value of the house which I bought, along with all our furniture and stuff. He contributed nothing toward the downpayment or the mortgage payments and in fact he was unemployed when I bought the house, unknowing of what would later transpire.
That money is long gone to lawyers because he's fought me for 25 years and cost me half a million bucks in legal debt, along with traumatising my kids in the process. I'm sure I'd be much further ahead financially if I didn't get that money, because I had a good job which eventually earned six-figures. If I didn't have to give my entire salary to lawyers and to daycare (being a single mother), I'd likely be pretty well off today.
The second good thing was that I got my job and it earned me a pension, but see above about the fact I didn't get to keep any of that money, and I also had to work 40-60 hours a week without accommodations whilst also raising three disabled kids on my own since 1997. That gave me a clinical nervous breakdown and my first stroke, and nearly killed me. I'd likely have done better working ten hours a week at the local McDonald's without a pension, because at least I'd have money in savings, and I wouldn't be buying new cars for solicitors for the last several decades of my life.
Having my kids should be up there on the Good Things scale. I love my kids and don't regret having them (or adopting one of them), but it's not like it's been easy. Most of the time I'm near collapse and feel like a failure. Their mental health has suffered as a result of all the hell I've been through, which wouldn't have happened without the inheritance.
My pets? Sure they're good, but they didn't happen to me, and they're driving me into the poorhouse between insurance premiums every month, prescription food, and vet fees around $5,000 / year just for my dog alone.
I really can't think of anything good that's come without immense hardship and struggle. Maybe my ASD has been a factor but I think most of it relates back to my abusive ex using me, and setting me up on this path of lifelong pain.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.