MmeLePen wrote:
Ah, hon..chill...
You sound like my bipolar brother-in-law. Not very becoming ...
The fact that you're looking to off "strangers" tells me you have a lot going on - and you're worth saving.
The funny part is you will probably end up in a very high-powered, fullfilling job. You have such impossible standards - if you play it right - the world will be your oyster. (I love that saying!)
Hmm, I didn't think about that. Wow, what has happened to me this week? I didn't used to be like this. I was much more peaceful than this.
I say things like that but I doubt I actually would do them, yet anyway. I'm going to bring this up when I go see my therapist Wednesday so this won't get any worse. I'm not quite at the level I made myself sound like but I fear it I could be if this mess with my step-dad and his folks continues.
I confess I'm glad that you pointed that out to me. You may have opened my eyes before it was too late. There really has been a lot going on, too much for me to handle. This whole ordeal has been driving me crazy! I was never like this until now. I'm ashamed of that earlier post and others like it. I don't want this to go on anymore.
Don't worry about your reactions. Allow yourself to be pissed off! Then counter it by shoving your success and happiness up they're loser, rednec asses! (Don't know if they are rednecks - but they sound like it.)