What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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what's the last weirdest dream you had, by type?
*I dream weird Technicolor dreams most of the time! :jester: 14%  14%  [ 88 ]
*I dream mostly vivid but totally "normal" dreams generally. :salut: 11%  11%  [ 71 ]
*I tend to dream "average" blah dreams. :| 4%  4%  [ 26 ]
*I generally dream in vivid colors and sounds :jester: 14%  14%  [ 89 ]
*I tend to dream in average/subdued colors and subdued/muted sounds :| 5%  5%  [ 32 ]
*I dream only in shades of gray. :| 0%  0%  [ 3 ]
*I never seem to remember my dreams. :| 9%  9%  [ 60 ]
*I have mostly good dreams :) 9%  9%  [ 56 ]
*I have mostly nightmares or night fillies :help: 11%  11%  [ 71 ]
*I LUCIDLY DREAM! :star: :colors: 14%  14%  [ 93 ]
*I wanna nice yummy ice cream! :chef: 9%  9%  [ 57 ]
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16 Mar 2016, 2:27 pm

I was throwing a party for some people I was in high-school with. I never 1ce did a party or really wanted to do one.

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16 Mar 2016, 4:53 pm

metaldanielle wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
metaldanielle wrote:
I dreamed my GI told me I had cancer. :(

wow :o what do you think precipitated that dream?

I'm at higher risk of it due to my Ulcerative Colitis. My UC has been pretty bad lately, putting the future of my health in my mind. My conscious mind hasn't really been worried about cancer, but I guess my subconscious is trying to prepare for that possibility.

there are people who swear by the low-acid diet [no refined carbs] in reducing inflammation/battling conditions like ulcerative colitis, as well as daily consumption of at least 1-2 grams of concentrated curcumin and 10 mg. of piperine [black pepper extract]. always take with food.


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16 Mar 2016, 11:27 pm

auntblabby wrote:
metaldanielle wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
metaldanielle wrote:
I dreamed my GI told me I had cancer. :(

wow :o what do you think precipitated that dream?

I'm at higher risk of it due to my Ulcerative Colitis. My UC has been pretty bad lately, putting the future of my health in my mind. My conscious mind hasn't really been worried about cancer, but I guess my subconscious is trying to prepare for that possibility.

there are people who swear by the low-acid diet [no refined carbs] in reducing inflammation/battling conditions like ulcerative colitis, as well as daily consumption of at least 1-2 grams of concentrated curcumin and 10 mg. of piperine [black pepper extract]. always take with food.

Ketosis/fasting. Gives time for the body and brain to heal itself. Cancer cannot live without glucose (sugar). In fact, it dies without it. Your body eats bad/ deteriorated cells, tumors, cancer, fat, and muscle in a ketogenic fasting state, and activates your stem cells to promote new growth. High fat, low protien, zero carb diet, or under 50g a day produces a ketogenic state, however fasting is a real ketogenic cure for many things. You cannot disturb your GI if you do not use it. Stay out of the grain bin. This may sound like advice, but it's not. I have no authority to give any. I'm just rambling. Peace out.

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16 Mar 2016, 11:29 pm

^^^ QFT :wtg:


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17 Mar 2016, 3:18 am

I was in front of a crowd, yet I couldn't look at it (probably from stage fright), in some sort of gown (maybe my graduation) It was hot outside so that would make sense. Then I turned into a dragon and flew off.


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17 Mar 2016, 9:17 am

^Wow. 8O 8)

I had a dream in which a young blonde woman in a plain dress was trying to get up this steep icy sidewalk. She wasn't wearing shoes, which is interesting since I like going barefoot. She was accosted by two men in black suits [what is it with these guys? They keep following me!], but she managed to escape from both of them [they slid back down to the bottom of the sidewalk], and she reached the top! Then I dreamed of three sisters. The first had blonde hair and was so lavishly dressed that she looked like one of those fake plastic flowers at dollar stores. The second had black hair and was dressed to look like a frosted cake. The youngest and last had brown hair and wore a plain dress and no shoes and looked a lot like me. What does this all mean? :scratch:

A memory is something that has to be consciously recalled, right? That's why sometimes it can be mistaken and a different thing. But it's different from a memory locked deep within your heart. Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel.” Tifa Lockheart, Final Fantasy VII

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17 Mar 2016, 2:14 pm

I was walking near a high school friend, who was dressed very posh in a blue suit and white Hamlet blouse. When I approached her, she assumed I was also a stewardess and I felt obliged to get on the plane with her. It turned out that stewardesses did not live long. Many were raped and strangled. The others were expected to be silent about it or be killed by Management. There was a line of survivors facing a brick wall, their hair perfect but everything else in shreds; they turned away, one by one, to get back on the plane and pretend nothing happened. My sister was on the plane with me, both of us pretending nothing was wrong. The plane had become vast, like a hotel. I looked at a window display of a tiny dinosaur, which grew big and placed its open mouth on the ground so people could run inside and he would fly them to safety. They did but another monster caught him and started eating him. We needed money to stay at the hotel and we hid because we had none. I phoned my uncle who agreed to send $200 by Int’l Money Order, which was the only acceptable currency. It never arrived or if it did, Management was withholding it. My sister kept leaving evidence of our being there. I tried to hide with a woman in her room but she kept leaving the door open. Guards followed my sister to the door. I escaped and took a rickety cab to get away but the driver tried to kill me. I escaped and kept running and being attacked.
edit - dinosaur = dragon


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18 Mar 2016, 1:49 pm

I dreamt I was in a college auditorium or lecture hall, not sure about the time period but i was young again- maybe the 80s during Ronnie Raygun's "star wars"? - and I for some reason started musing aloud about nuclear war, about a nuclear exchange between china and Russia and USA, and about who would sustain the most damage. the other students looked at me like I was crazy. :shrug:


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19 Mar 2016, 10:34 pm

I dreamt I was at a swap meet with my late father as he was just before his death, and he was telling me words to the effect, "i beat you, I slapped you down, I cut you down as much as I could." and I defiantly replied back to him, "and you didn't change me one bit! not one bit!" and then he looked at me with a mixture of disgust and pity. then some older white-haired Nordic-appearing woman tsk tsked me. when I turned to talk to her she turned into a young Asian teen girl, who turned around and talked to my dad only my dad transformed into some stranger i'd not seen before. then I awoke.

Last edited by auntblabby on 20 Mar 2016, 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.


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20 Mar 2016, 12:22 am

This one has been recurrent, especially when a former asswipe was still living here and abusing me.

I haven't had this nightmare for more than 30 years.

The small town I hail from is nothing but rednecks, drug dealers and whores. When I was in junior high and senior high school, I delivered the morning and afternoon papers. Other than band, or my job at a local restaurant as a dishwasher, you didn't see me in public very much.

There were three girl gangs, that were all siblings, that were continually beating up on me. The first group would physically beat the living sh!t out of me whenever they saw me. The second gang, the one sister was continually trying to get her hands in my pants to page Mr. Jack Mehoff. If I attempted to remove her hands from my crotch, she'd start yelling "RAPE!! !!", thereby having a visit from the local police. The police knew me and my parents well enough to know I had little interest in girls, considering my parents would literally cut off my member, as well as my brother's respective members,if I or they did try to do such a thing. The third gang did nothing but emotional and mental abuse. If I said anything to my parents, my arse got beaten again for me causing the trouble in the first place, or for not retaliating against these girls.

Those nightmares got worse when I was put on psychotropics. After reliving those nightmares, it would conclude by all 3 gangs coming together and doing a Lorena Bobbit on me. (And people wonder why I'm so anti-psychotropic drug?)

When I saw my new psychiatrist last week, the first thing he wants to do is get me back on drugs, mostly because he's afraid that since I'm bipolar, I'm going to relapse. He obviously did look very well at my records, as it states I've had bad reactions to every psychotropic I've ever taken. I'm not willing to take that path again. He then diagnoses me with PTSD, and wants to get me back on drugs. I come back with what part of adverse reaction due to iatrogenic illness don't you understand. I don't have a chemical imbalance in the brain, I have a hormonal imbalance in the body, namely type 2 diabetes, which I'm having issues trying to control due to the toxic environment I've been living in for most of my miserable life.


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20 Mar 2016, 12:26 am



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20 Mar 2016, 1:48 pm

I had a whopper- I dreamt I was at work back in the hospital I used to work in a decade back, for some reason all the techs were on duty at the same time, we got slammed with lots of deliveries so that was a fortunate confluence of events. afterwards, in the rush a lot of the surgical specimens got mislabeled and it fell to me to get it all straightened out, which eventually I did, by examining the specimens and determining with the help of the patient charts which ones belonged to which patient. then in the middle of my task some workmen came into the surgical utility room and started messing with the ceiling and making a mess, so I took the opportunity to go to the restroom in the recovery room and found I was barefoot and there was body fluids all over the floor, so I stepped gingerly to avoid the puddles. then I found myself on an airplane, we were at altitude and flying I know not where, only the plane was outfitted with a custom sound system I designed, small but musically accurate loudspeakers, 6 of them, 2 on each end and 2 in the middle on each side, and a compact amp in a custom mahogany wooden case, cool-running, with simple controls including a concentric fade/balance control for front/back/sides. the sound was pleasingly smooth and balanced, lush actually, as I was playing a CD of some jazzy orchestra with ethereal choir playing a mix of xmas tunes and jazz. the plane passengers were digging it, boppin' along with the music, some singing along. I floated back and forth, up and down the aisle in the plane as it did parabolic arcs just like the Boeing KC135 "vomit comet" that they train astronauts on. I went to the back where I stored my luggage to try to find more music CDs to play but somehow they got scattered all over. then I went into the restroom only thing was it was an incongruously large hall that a few people were socializing in with a few dancers. one of the dancers, a swarthy man in a white shirt and suit slacks took my hands and we danced a gentle waltz to a hint of music. then suddenly I found myself up front again, one of the passengers told me my school bus had come! suddenly we were on the ground, and I saw the bus pull up to the rear of the plane, at the rear exit- the driver honked the horn and was just about to take off without me when I ran, panting, up to the doors, pried the open and yelled "WAIT! I gotta get my stuff from the back, just a second!" and she groaned her assent, so I ran and got my luggage and piled it onto the bus, then I awoke. :huh:

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20 Mar 2016, 6:28 pm

auntblabby wrote:
I had a whopper- I dreamt I was at work back in the hospital I used to work in a decade back, for some reason all the techs were on duty at the same time, we got slammed with lots of deliveries so that was a fortunate confluence of events. afterwards, in the rush a lot of the surgical specimens got mislabeled and it fell to me to get it all straightened out, which eventually I did, by examining the specimens and determining with the help of the patient charts which ones belonged to which patient. then in the middle of my task some workmen came into the surgical utility room and started messing with the ceiling and making a mess, so I took the opportunity to go to the restroom in the recovery room and found I was barefoot and there was body fluids all over the floor, so I stepped gingerly to avoid the puddles. then I found myself on an airplane, we were at altitude and flying I know not where, only the plane was outfitted with a custom sound system I designed, small but musically accurate loudspeakers, 6 of them, 2 on each end and 2 in the middle on each side, and a compact amp in a custom mahogany wooden case, cool-running, with simple controls including a concentric fade/balance control for front/back/sides. the sound was pleasingly smooth and balanced, lush actually, as I was playing a CD of some jazzy orchestra with ethereal choir playing a mix of xmas tunes and jazz. the plane passengers were digging it, boppin' along with the music, some singing along. I floated back and forth, up and down the aisle in the plane as it did parabolic arcs just like the Boeing KC135 "vomit comet" that they train astronauts on. I went to the back where I stored my luggage to try to find more music CDs to play but somehow they got scattered all over. then I went into the restroom only thing was it was an incongruously large hall that a few people were socializing in with a few dancers. one of the dancers, a swarthy man in a white shirt and suit slacks took my hands and we danced a gentle waltz to a hint of music. then suddenly I found myself up front again, one of the passengers told me my school bus had come! suddenly we were on the ground, and I saw the bus pull up to the rear of the plane, at the rear exit- the driver honked the horn and was just about to take off without me when I ran, panting, up to the doors, pried the open and yelled "WAIT! I gotta get my stuff from the back, just a second!" and she groaned her assent, so I ran and got my luggage and piled it onto the bus, then I awoke. :huh:

Shall I try? A 3-part dream - the hospital, the airplane, the school bus.

The hospital - You dream of that often, I think? Only you can fix the very complicated problem. You should be commended but all you get is walking barefoot through sh*t. Men take over the ceiling and force you out - note: from blocked ceiling to airplane.

The airplane - a delicious interlude in a marvellous place, all of your own making. Again, your tech wizness comes to the fore. You are floating in a place where everybody's happy, including you. Not sure of the vomit comet. Your baggage is there but your only interest is CDs. Then some inflation - the bathroom is a ballroom. You dance the waltz with a man.

The school bus - You are still learning. You have to overcome the bus and then make it wait, because you're not going learning without your baggage. Your learning is being driven by a woman. She will wait, grumpily. Should you leave your baggage behind?

It's a little odd that you dance with a man and are driven by a woman? But you've got them both, which is a balance.
Each part of the dream is about your own initiative; you create your own reality?


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20 Mar 2016, 6:32 pm

^^^that is a thought-provoking interpretation, I had not thought of that. :o :thumleft:

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20 Mar 2016, 8:21 pm

Maybe the vomit comet is "the sky's the limit"?

You might enjoy this

Remember only you can know what your dreams mean - the Aha! moment.


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20 Mar 2016, 8:32 pm

^^^^ fascinating site :chin: