my uncle called and started pressuring me into taking a ride to church tomorrow. he is insisting that im ignoring his calls which is partly true but partly not since i dont wait near my phone for him to call and so do miss it when it happens. i have to go because it is my grans 3rd year anniversary. im way over her death. i dont understand why people are mourning her. i mean i miss the woman but ive made peace with her death. why are people acting like it is yesterday? shouldnt people be at the lets-remember-the-good-things stage? when i think of her i think of her spaghetti, her blue dress with the flowers, basil used as air freshener in the toilet, walking to the fruit market, walking to the park, me putting no smoking signs on her bed, triangle cheese, biscuits with the cream filling, minties, kitkats, her villiage dialect, the way she said "owmiya wu tawiya" when instructing us to fold our clothes, being taught to sew by her, she gave me my first books and my first readers digest(from the '80s) as a child- i dont think of the cancer and her death. its in the past and its not part of her life.