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kevinjh Veteran
Joined: 6 Nov 2011Gender: MalePosts: 8,456Location: .
Has this been resolved?
Bun Veteran
Joined: 8 Jan 2012Age: 41Gender: MalePosts: 3,356
May you answer my question?
I do not know, but I referred to your choice of words, so what comes next?
Would it be the apocalypse?
How shall the world be ended this time?
How about a flood?
But would that not be local devastation?
I haven't considered it thoroughly, have I?
You have, but must you not remember that nothing may go to waste, even supernovae and black holes?
How do I obtain knowledge such as yours?
Does emptying the local library help?
Did you empty your local library?
Did I say that correctly?
jmnixon95 Veteran
Joined: 26 Dec 2009Gender: FemalePosts: 20,931Location: 미국
Why can't you say that correctly?
Is it merely coincidence that you are both the same age?...
What does that have to do with my other question?