nurseangela wrote:
I'm thinking it could be over for me and my Aspie friend. It's been a month and a half since I heard from him last. I've stopped sending any texts or emails because of no responses. You know what's scary? I would have done anything for him and I said so many times that I hope he is always in my life. Right now, I feel absolutely nothing. I don't miss him, I don't long for things to be like they were. I'm just numb. Indifferent. Tired. Exhausted. I'm pretty sure that I won't be texting him since I've gotten used to not talking to him anymore. And if I know Aspies, he won't make the first move. Idk, maybe I'm wrong and he really misses me. I guess I'll find out by seeing if he ever texts me. That will tell me if I'm important enough to him.
I also thought it was over between myself and an internet friend. He didn't say anything for a good 2+ months. Turns out he was just really busy and I guess our communication had hit a dead end. I suppose there was very little left to keep it going. Online communication is like that. Somehow we may perceive rejection or being ignored but silence may mean nothing of that sort. I'd wait a few more weeks, and if he hasn't said anything try to get the communication started again. Sometimes a break is needed to freshen up the communication.