ImTheGuyThatDidThat wrote:
Kenjuudo wrote:
I confess I too hate wet noodle handshakes. Doesn't people learn how to handshake anymore?
I confess that on a few rare occantions i have met some
guys that insist on having the firmest handhake, they
look you in the eye and keep the squeeze just a little
harder then you do - and when two such people meet,
it can be a funny sight, two guys acting like nothing is
happening, the seconds tick by and one can see weins
appearing here and there before one suddenly gives or
goes down on his knees
much be some sort of man-thing
I confess....I'm guilty of that myself. I can never tell how firm a firm handshake should be, so I always make sure mine is a little stronger.
I confess....that would cause trouble if I ever run into someone who does the same thing.
Those who speak, don't know.
Those who know, don't speak.