I confess i find myself wondering why on earth a mod
on a forum would first make a thread about some
travelling, then stick it so everyone has to see it
every time they come to this forum, then lock it
so no one else can write in it except the thread
are you just trying to piss people off?
I surely can not be the only one wondering why the
hell i have to see this thread over and over. Make
the thread, fine, but dont stick it, if people want to
see it, they will post in it and keep it on top. Use
your head, your a f-ing mod for gods sake
and your thread is reaching a point where it makes
me want to put my fist through the screen - its always
there dammit!! and have anyone been asked
if this is cool or did you just decide on your own?
I want to see that ego-thread dead or un-stuck, now
dammit!! Either that, or everyone here gets their
own thread to stick, thats only fair. I dont know how
others do it, but where i come from this is unheard
of, no mod would ever even think about doing such
a thing. One of the reasons why, is that he would be
kicked the hell out one hour after doing it.