Kiprobalhato wrote:
ImAnAspie wrote:
Thank you Kiprobalhato,
I'm still in hospital. I'll probably be here another week but at least I've got contact with the outside world now.
I thought I PM'ed you. They've had me on all sorts of meds and my mind has been a little foggy. I've asked them to stop giving me the sleepy meds because they were really throwing my already wacky sleep patterns out even more.
It's good to hear from my friends on WP again.
strange, i didn't get a notification of a PM...checked my inbox and it's not there either. huh! yet anooother bug.
how was being disconnected from this planet? must have enjoyed it i bet...
though hopefully your wacky sleep patterns become significantly dewackified. not much has changed here yet good to have ya back. (:
Thank you
I'm into my third week and am allowed out into the 'real world' now but I'm not interested in going back out there yet. Most patients head straight down to Westfield Burwood (big shopping mall) but I'm not ready for large crowds yet. Don't like it even when I'm well. I'm quite happy just staying in my room with my lappy and all the hot chocolate I can drink
I've put on weight. At least I'm eating again though.
I think I met another Aspie last night at a meeting but didn't know how to approach her. When she got up to talk, the first thing she said to the group was "Sorry if I don't make eye contact with you but if I do, it'll throw me off!"
I wanted to talk to her after the meeting but she took off
I had my Aspie t shirt on and she kept looking over at me and smiling. Pity she didn't stick around. I've never met another Aspie in real life
Thank you all. It's nice to be back with my own kind
Your Aspie score: 151 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 60 of 200
Formally diagnosed in 2007.
Learn the simple joy of being satisfied with little, rather than always wanting more.