The word unicorn rhymes with leprechaun.
does it...not in he dialect of english where i live. the final vowel sound in unicorn here is a lot more rounded and frontal.
o. wrote:
Mirror has only six letters and half of them are Rs.
rhythms and
syzygy are among the longest words in english with no vowel letters (a,e,i,o,u)
myrrh doesn't contain any of those vowel letters, the vowel sound being considered rhotic (the IPA symbols for rhotic vowels have a little tail) or not a vowel at all, by some. it depends on dialect, too...a common way to divide english accents is rhotic and non-rhotic. wrote:
I wonder where a balloon blown up with helium would go in outer space.
space balloons aren't impossible, space isn't a 100% bona-fide vaccuum. as long as the pressure in the balloon is equal or lesser than that of the ambient space, outside the balloon...
a helium balloon should rise until the pressures inside and out are equal, i think. just hope that a passing commercial jet doesn't suck it into it's engine, or it doesn't get pecked by birds. or something. wrote:
Today is officially spring; yay!
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