ImAnAspie wrote:
ImAnAspie wrote:
Edna3362 wrote:
ImAnAspie wrote:
Eye contact is not just overrated. It's down right uncomfortable!
If only NTs who value eye contact understand that... But then, it's their goddamned subconscious or instinct to assume the measure of 'trust, and attention'.
I wonder if there's a time when NTs will break out from their respective subconscious desires to follow their respective body language norm? xd
P.S. Edna,
They don't even know we refer to them as NT's and when they (or at least the one I called an NT) finds out, she got rather unfriendly. Imagine someone getting unfriendly because you referred to them as being "Neurologically Typical"
I wouldn't give up being Autistic (now I know I am) for anything in the World!
Now I know where a lot of my talents, skills, determination, pride, honesty, loyalty, original thinking, problem solving, hyperfocus, etc. and a whole lot of other benefits come from...
NO, I'm not sad I have Asperger's Syndrome!
In fact, I'm proud and glad of it!
Letting an NT know what NT means depends at the micro-/macro-cultural side... Just like a foreign NT letting another foreign NT know something in hopes that didn't mean in wrong kind of context.
I never called anyone an NT in real, but when I mentioned such word, they'll ask and when I answered it, they don't get pissed.
None of them did so far. One of them even told me never call NTs "normal", call them "average". She's an NT herself.
I didn't said 'give up' on their subconscious desire, but I do want to see *a* day they'll break out from it.
But really, it's because eye contact is cultural. Not all NT cultures value eye contact after all.
I kept seeing immigrants giving up on/or enforcing themselves eye contact for the sake of pleasing another culture. Whether they like it or not, I've seen happy and unhappy cases of it.
... And when they go home, there's culture shock. In rare cases, the one who gave up the culture is trying to assimilate their former native. From where I live's case, sometimes it's encouraged. O.o