I enjoy my own Company.
I enjoy drinking cold Water.
I need a Blanket around me, when I'm upset.
I enjoy being in a dark room, with my Laptop turned on.
I have an Infinity with Animals, especially Cats and Dogs.
I avoid people when I'm angry.
I get dizzy, if I wait more than three hours to have a Snack or a Meal. It depends on the time of the day.
I can be very stubborn, sometimes.
I've attempted Suicide three times, when I was in High School.
My Cockney Accent is at its strongest, either when I'm in a Jolly Mood, or a very Black Mood.
I've sent an E-Mail to Ken Livingstone out of pure Stupidity, regarding London's Bus, late Last Night.
I turn to Tea, when I'm in a Black Mood.
I've had a very bad day, today.
I enjoy taking Chico and Bonnie for a Walk, but I don't enjoy walking both of them at the same time.
I've just laughed after I've typed me previous Truth.
I've never really bonded with any of my Family, but that doesn't mean that I don't love them.
I get along very well, with British People.
I'm afraid to go Upstairs, right now.
The Maple Leaf reminds me more of the Routemaster, than it reminds me of my own Country.
I might need to go into Thearapy, because of my prevoius Truth.
I wear my Happy Mask to hide my Tears from everyone