What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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02 Dec 2022, 9:06 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i had two mini-dreams, first one was when i nodded off in front of my puter - i was in an antique hotel back about a hundred years ago, i was walking to my room past a grandmother and her grandchild, when from around the corner came a naked fat man jiggle-running towards the lavatory at the end of the hall, the grandchild and his mother were mouth-agape at the spectacle. then i dreamt i was back in the neighborhood i grew up in but it was a few decades in the future and all the old houses in the direction [towards the southwest] i was looking at were replaced by futuristic designs, including one that was the striped color of arsenic and cinnabar, and it was segmented into three sections that looked a lot like pieces of a cake cut apart. the lights were on inside and i saw somebody, an older person, standing next to an easy chair in the living room, there was somebody in the chair but it was unclear.

You lost a girl, but seduced a guy, with the same cookies? Interesting.



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02 Dec 2022, 10:39 pm


Blabby love, is today the day .. or is it on Sunday?

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02 Dec 2022, 10:44 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:

Blabby love, is today the day .. or is it on Sunday?

the 6th, a tuesday :) you have an excellent memory 8)


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02 Dec 2022, 10:51 pm

I realised that after I posted, but couldn’t find the edit button. :P I knew it was an even number and then remembered it’s the 6th because it’s white and red (synaesthesia).

Makes me want Pizza Hut.

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03 Dec 2022, 3:30 am

I had what had to be the worst dream of my life the other night. While my dreams are nearly all very pleasant, this dream really shook me up.

First of all, I've always been closer to my younger brother than to anyone else, even my parents and my past girlfriends. I remember being in a play pen as a kid and they put my younger brother in there with me. I'm only about a year older than him. At first, he didn't do much, but after a while he would stand beside me and watch what was happening outside the play pen. Out on the farm, the only people we had to play with as little kids were each other. (Ever try to play baseball with only one person per team? We did. It didn't work very well, though.)

So in the dream, we were crossing the top of a large oil tank when the top of the tank collapsed just ahead of me. I nearly went in, but my younger brother grabbed me and pulled me back. We then started for the side but the part he was standing on collapsed and he fell into the oil which was well over his head. I tried to grab him, but couldn't. So I saw his head above the oil for a second and then it slipped below the oil and his hand as he tried to grab for something to pull him up before it went under, too. That was the last I saw of him.

Remember that oil is not dense enough to float in. If you fall into oil over your head, you have almost no chance of survival. Maybe if there is a rope attached and someone pulls you out immediately before you can drown, but that's about it.

The sense of loss was at least an order of magnitude more than anything I have ever felt, even more than when my parents passed away or either of my two older brothers.

I climbed down from the tanks and told the guy who had assured us that the tank was sound that he had better get out of town because I was going to kill him the next time I saw him.

By then, the emergency people showed up and I left it to them to empty the tank and I went to town. I found my younger nephew crossing the street but he had already heard about it and was really shaken up, too.

At that point, I woke up. Waking up, however, provided little relief. It took about two hours to fall back asleep but I couldn't stay asleep long enough to dream again.

It's been two days and I'm still shaken by the dream. Writing this isn't helping.

Has anyone else here ever been so shaken up by a dream?


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03 Dec 2022, 3:47 am

Never thought about that before. Oil floats on water. Ergo its lighter than water. Ergo something else that floats on water isnt necessarily gonna float on oil. So ofcourse it would be easier to drown in oil than in water.


Call your brother up and wish him a merry Xmas, and ask him how he is. Might help unshake you up.


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03 Dec 2022, 5:47 am

IsabellaLinton wrote:
I realised that after I posted, but couldn’t find the edit button. :P I knew it was an even number and then remembered it’s the 6th because it’s white and red (synaesthesia).

Makes me want Pizza Hut.

wish there was a pizza hut in my neck o' the woods. only dominos and westside here.


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03 Dec 2022, 6:28 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Never thought about that before. Oil floats on water. Ergo its lighter than water. Ergo something else that floats on water isnt necessarily gonna float on oil. So ofcourse it would be easier to drown in oil than in water.


Call your brother up and wish him a merry Xmas, and ask him how he is. Might help unshake you up.

I see him nearly every day.

Regarding drowning in oil, several years ago a worker at a Frito-Lay plant in Lubbock, Texas fell into a storage tank of cooking oil and went straight to the bottom. A co-worker saw him disappear into the vat but could not save him.


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03 Dec 2022, 7:35 am

what a gawdawful way to go.


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03 Dec 2022, 9:25 am

1) I was leaving work and for some reason naturalplastic offered to drive me home in my car. The idea is that it was snowing or bad weather, but I don’t remember any snow. We were meandering along through residential city streets and I realised I shouldn’t let him know my exact address or see my house. I was wondering if I should ask to be dropped off at the market so I could buy some groceries and walk home, or if I should just be honest and tell him to let me off at a random spot to protect my personal privacy. I chose the latter and got out.

As he drove away in my car I realised I didn’t have his phone number and I had no way to get to work the next day. The next day I waited to see if he would clue in and arrive at my door with my car to take me to work but he didn’t. I didn’t call out of work because I kept waiting. Then it occurred to me I would get fired or get in big trouble for not being at work.

2) BEST DREAM EVER :heart: - I woke up when it was still dark and thought it was real. I had to feel around on the mattress to double check. I was really out of it and couldn’t remember what dreams were but I knew there was some way that my memory wasn’t real. :(

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04 Dec 2022, 6:43 am

IsabellaLinton wrote:
1) I was leaving work and for some reason naturalplastic offered to drive me home in my car. The idea is that it was snowing or bad weather, but I don’t remember any snow. We were meandering along through residential city streets and I realised I shouldn’t let him know my exact address or see my house. I was wondering if I should ask to be dropped off at the market so I could buy some groceries and walk home, or if I should just be honest and tell him to let me off at a random spot to protect my personal privacy. I chose the latter and got out.

As he drove away in my car I realised I didn’t have his phone number and I had no way to get to work the next day. The next day I waited to see if he would clue in and arrive at my door with my car to take me to work but he didn’t. I didn’t call out of work because I kept waiting. Then it occurred to me I would get fired or get in big trouble for not being at work.

2) BEST DREAM EVER :heart: - I woke up when it was still dark and thought it was real. I had to feel around on the mattress to double check. I was really out of it and couldn’t remember what dreams were but I knew there was some way that my memory wasn’t real. :(

I sold your car to a chop shop, and pocketed the money. :lol:


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05 Dec 2022, 4:26 am

i dreamt i was with the rest of my family, whether still on this earth or not, and they all headed somewhere but refused to let me into the station with them as they drove away.


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06 Dec 2022, 1:45 am

naturalplastic wrote:

I sold your car to a chop shop, and pocketed the money. :lol:

lmao I should have known!

I just remember you driving my car, looking like your avatar with your little cap. :P

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10 Dec 2022, 4:23 pm

i dreamt i was in an air-b&b someplace down in florida by the coast, the house i was in was painted inside and out in the most vivid electric/robin's egg blues with aqua highlights here and there. there was a big-screen tv on the wall in the living room, i sat on the couch at the far end with my late mother and sister on the side couch or kitchen, and this "reality" tv program was showing these crazies who were post-surgical patients, all of them rudely tearing out their stitches/staples before their incisions had healed properly, very bloody ugly with wound dehiscences left and right, i was aghast and wished i could reach through the screen and slap those stupid people abusing their bodies like that. disgraceful!


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14 Dec 2022, 10:54 am

i dreamt i was in some other reality, i was in the civil service again working for some military base in the pacific northwest, or it could have been a different country, my boss wanted me to tell her my daily pay, i had to do a back of the envelope calculation [which i goofed several times before getting it right enough] to tell her. then she motioned me and a few other workers out to her work car which happened to be a mint-condition specimen of a bucky fuller Dymaxion car [looks like a weird small bus], we sat in the back, then she and her boss, both dressed in something resembling an air force academy dress uniform, light blue and white with gold trim and insignia, boarded the front seats and took us off overland on some rough country terrain, the bus creaking and groaning [and the engine straining] as it listed violently to one side then another but otherwise riding relatively smoothly [no up and down bumpiness] over the rocks and fallen trees, this was a shortcut to the main post road, when we reached the road i awoke.


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14 Dec 2022, 4:43 pm

All my dreams are weird. Last night I dreamed I was attached to a conveyor system in an abattoir killing and cutting up chickens. I noticed a ladder that could help me escape are lunged at it to grab it and awoke to the sound of my wife grumbling that I'd just whacked her! :lol:

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