i was going to have 2 boiled eggs and toast for breakfast, but i encountered a dilemma. i like both of my boiled eggs to be exactly the same size. my carton of eggs had 4 eggs left in it, and i was going to choose the 2 eggs that were closest in size to each other, but all the eggs were exactly the same size (!) as far as i could discriminate, and so i struck an obstacle in choosing the 2 best eggs to boil.
i laid them out side by side on a dish towel, and i alternated their positions to see each egg beside each other egg, but my senses were not fine enough to distinguish any important differences between the eggs. how could i make a final and considered choice between identical things?
then i had a great idea. i remembered that i do not care about size inequality of individual eggs that i use to make omelets with, so i decided to make an omelet with 2 spontaneously selected and unappraised eggs, and a serendipitous side effect would be that the 2 remaining eggs would be the only eggs available to be boiled for my breakfast tomorrow (thus eliminating ambivalence in choice when impelled to choose 2 things from a set of 4 identical things.). simple.
but then it occurred to me that i had to leave the 2 closest matched eggs for tomorrow, and so my short lived freedom of choosing any old egg for the omelete (with gay abandon) was terminated by my realization that i was still in the same dilemma (albeit in reverse) by not being able to choose which eggs i should avoid using in the omelete.
since i was unable to select any particular pair of eggs for either boiling or making into an omelete, i was left with no alternative but to use all 4 eggs, but the decision remained unmade as to whether i would boil them or scramble them. after quite a while, i decided i would scramble them, but never the less, i could only eat half of them. i had to throw the other half away.