What's the last weirdest dream you had?
I had two realistic dreams: in one of them, I was attending some sort of aspie convention, in the other one, I was a time traveller and... the girlfriend of no one else but Adolf Hitler himself
Another spiritual dream In this dream - a VEEEEERY realistic one - I met again no one else than the late Erik Medhus (whom I asked the evening before for appearing in my dreams this night) who started to explain to me and other people present there, what life on the other side looks like

Like for example, to show you what I mean by this - he told me that we, living humans - those still living in flesh, when we want to concentrate on something, we are capable of seeing just a small aspect of this thing, while those like himself - those in spirit - can see the whole picture of it


Joined: 27 Nov 2017
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Location: amid the sunlight and the dust and the wind
I had a dream (nearly a nighmare) yesterday morning in which I had retired and moved into an apartment in a high-rise building in some city. I have no idea which city.
In the dream, I was asleep for a long time and woke up to noise from the living room. I opened the door and saw that everyone I knew had come by and left their dogs in my apartment. Except for the bedroom where the door had been closed, they made a mess everywhere. The dogs were super happy to that someone was there and were streaking everywhere, knocking things down, and smearing dog crap and urine all over the place.
I was looking out the corner window from a room in an apartment building. Based on the distance to the ground I'd say I was about six floors up. There was a big area of dry grass, a sidewalk, and a residential roadway lined with a bit of chainlink fencing. It looked like early evening and somehow I knew it was a Saturday. There were about 20-30 men down there and they started firing guns. I don't remember hearing the guns or seeing anyone fall to the ground but they were firing at each other like a gang fight. Then I noticed some police officers in riot gear. I was trying to classify all the types of guns in case I had to testify as a witness. I saw what I would call handguns or pistols, and long rifles (are they called shotguns?) I kept thinking I needed to move from the window but I was probably too high up to worry.
In the second part of that dream I was out of the apartment and walking home in daylight. As I got to the grassy area I remembered I was in Australia because a herd of kangaroos came bouncing at me. I was shocked at how big they are so it took me a moment to realise I should take pictures. By the time I got my phone ready for pictures the kangaroos had stopped being kangaroos and turned into another type of big mammal, about the size of buffalo. I'm bad at animal names but I decided they were likely capybaras. I took a couple of pictures and hurried inside. When I was inside I discovered one of the giant capybaras was sat on a chair in the hallway waiting for me. It seemed like it wanted to go into my flat for food or water, but I knew I had my dog and cats in there so I wasn't sure what to do. I was also concerned it could attack me and it would have huge teeth like a rat.
Analysis: This all makes sense to me, especially the big animals and the sense of danger. I think the gun part is because of May Day events I've experienced in Montreal, where cops needed to wear riot gear and use tear gas to disperse protesters.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
I was at the large front counter of a fancy hair salon. It didn't smell like a salon and I couldn't see any sinks or stylists, but I was having a consult with the owner. This part is weird and I don't remember why, but somehow she had recommended a slight change to my hair which she modelled by using her own hair which was similar to mine, and somehow I had her hair temporarily. I'm not sure where my own hair went because she didn't cut it off, but I had her hair which looked like my hair, only better. I kept walking around showing people her / my hair and looking at it in the mirror. It was different enough that I loved it without seeming super obvious I'd changed my hair. I told her that yes, I liked the suggestion and I wanted to do what she recommended so she could make my own hair look like that. During that part of the dream I can't remember what she had for hair. She didn't have mine or hers and she wasn't bald.
In the next part I looked at her and she suddenly had a really bad, dried-out perm with bright white chunky highlights. I was scared that she had my hair and that's how my hair had turned out. I finally realised it was OK because that was her hair, even though I still had her "good" hair which was similar to mine. I decided to leave the salon, hoping she wouldn't notice I had her hair, and not having to pay her to fix my own.
Yup. I'm on new meds. REM sleep is coming fast and furious.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
It was a beautiful late summer's afternoon and I was sat under a big old tree with my dad who is deceased IRL. Our chairs were arranged such that we were roughly shoulder-to-shoulder but facing opposite directions, since I don't like making eye contact. For a long time we just sat there without speaking, enjoying the summer breeze. (Oh wow - just remembered I listened to Summer Breeze when I was going to bed.) He and I never did need a lot of words. We understood each other on a more implicit, nonverbal level since he had a speech impediment and we both tended to go mute.
I turned my head to look at him and knew this was a very special moment, even though I had no idea he was dead or that he might die some day. In my mind the concept of ever losing him was lightyears away, and essentially inconceivable. He had a timeless feel which I thought was grounded to Earth. I decided to open a conversation on things we wouldn't normally discuss.
I asked him what he would change his name to, if given the chance. What was his favourite name for a boy? Somewhere in my subconscious I was thinking I should know this name, so I could use it in his honour in the future. He said he wouldn't want to change his name because his parents chose it. I had to rephrase the question and ask again. What if his parents didn't know what to name him, and he had to help them with suggestions? He pondered for a moment and made an exasperated sighing sound that I remember from real life, before saying the name of my dog who has a human name. He never met my dog IRL and I don't think I had the dog yet in my dream, because the name didn't ring any bells. He put his hands together flat like praying but it's because he was deep in thought, eyes nearly shut on this languid afternoon. He repeated the name several times in short form and long form and said it was "the one".
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
I just remembered I dreamt I was at Joe90’s house. There was something about a can of varnish. I decided to get a brush and impulsively apply varnish to all my wooden furniture without prepping it. I don’t know why my furniture was at Joe’s. I got halfway done and she borrowed the varnish but then we couldn’t find it again. I was worried my furniture would look bad because the first coat wasn’t applied evenly.
Then we went in her little bathroom to look for the varnish. It was a cute room and it had lots of towels and hair products - like a blow dryer on a retractable cord. No varnish.
I asked her where she met her beau and what time he’d be home from work. She answered but I can’t remember what she said.
Finally my black cat was there. I was petting her belly when I discovered there was a shard of metal sticking out of her abdomen through her skin, probably leftover from when she got spayed. I was concerned but she didn’t seem to be in any pain so I didn’t call my vet (?!)
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.

Joined: 27 Nov 2017
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Posts: 4,442
Location: amid the sunlight and the dust and the wind
I had a dream Sunday night in which I walked up to a woman standing near the water (The Lady of the Swamp?). Near her were some porcelain alligator lawn statues.
That's what I thought, anyway, until I stepped right next to one and it turned out to be life. It turned on me and got ready to chew me up so I kicked at his nose just as hard as I possibly could.
It is important to realize that when I'm sleeping, I usually sleep in easy chairs because they provide better back support. My main easy chair also doubles as a place to use my computer which is sitting a desk in front of the easy chair. When you bring the foot thing up, it is underneath the desk.
When I kicked that alligator in the nose just as hard as I possibly could, I actually kicked the bottom of the desk. It hurt like hell. Now, about 24 hours later, it is still pretty sore.
Those alligators are dangerous, even if only in a dream.

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Joined: 31 Jul 2020
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Location: Just outside of reality
I had a dream the other night that I was in bed asleep and heard a noise from the hall. I thought someone might be in my house, but I wasn't very concerned. Still, I grabbed a bat and went out into the hall, figuring I should at least look. There was a tall man in the hall and he had a weapon..a big knife or sword thing..and the blade was shining here and there. The man was moving really slowly in my direction and laughing in this ridiculous way, like he was some over animated villain who ought to be tying someone to train tracks or something. Just way over the top and cheesy. He started saying how he was going to do all this awful stuff to me before he killed me. But he was moving super slow, like he wasn't at all committed to the cause. I was equally lacking in enthusiasm. I was like, sigh, I guess I better deal with this. So I start lazily moving the bat as I slowly walk towards the guy, I wasn't even close enough to make contact either. I stopped after a few pitiful movements of the bat and just walked past the guy and headed downstairs. I was muttering stuff like, geez, I'm going have to do something about this guy eventually, huh. The guy slowly turned around in the hall and was apparently in no hurry to come after me. I went and sat on the couch, looked around, grabbed my vape pen, was like, hm..this is probably a problem. But I just shrugged and sat there not really caring much.
It was the world's laziest attempted murder and attempt at self defense ever. Bizarre, but pretty accurately sums up the apathy I have going on lately.
About a week ago I dreamt I was outside on the driveway of the house where I grew up. It was nighttime and I looked up to see a big crescent shaped moon, with the empty part on the left side. (I don't know what that's called). Somehow it occurred to me that my late father was up there on the moon and I got really excited telling everyone else. I can't remember who else was there but they knew my dad. Suddenly we could see something like one of those moon buggies driving on the lit side (the right). It stopped and a small figure got out. We realised it was my dad! We watched him open and shut the back trunk of the moon buggy to get things out, like a flag I suppose. Maybe he was going to put a flag on the moon to indicate he'd arrived and he was the man on the moon! It was fun watching him up there. We could see him without even using a telescope or binoculars.
It all made perfect sense that he belonged there and in the back of my mind I even knew how he'd travelled from Earth to the moon, but I can't remember.
I can still see him up there. It felt so real, like he really is on the moon.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
Last night I dreamt I was forced to go to this really unfriendly, strict high school and it was very daunting. I was sitting in a math class with a textbook full of really complicated math that I had to do in my work book, and although I done it very neatly and tried hard, the teacher came round and yelled at me because my work wasn't good enough. He was a big man wearing a long black cape thing that teachers wore years ago. I felt so depressed and didn't like the thought of being forced to be there.
Then I woke up and literally sighed with relief that it was just a dream and my life would be carrying on as normal.

Joined: 12 Feb 2010
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